The True Scalp Care Ritual and the Scalp Massage Treatment

The True Scalp Care Ritual and the Scalp Massage Treatment

A major anti-aging and wellness focus in Japan is to pay special attention to one’s scalp. For both men and women, one of the most important ways to maintain the health of your body and your hair is to practice good scalp care.

Scalp care has become widely popular in the past year throughout US and Europe with many existing skin care, hair care brands, and dermatologists adding a scalp care product to their line. This is reflective of the focus people have placed on their hair during the stressful time of Covid-19 and spending time in front of facetime / zoom calls looking at their hair and face. However, just buying a particular brand of products will not help protect your hair. Proper scalp care is a full regimen just like proper skin care.

In Japan, scalp care and scalp massages have always been a part of a wellness regimen. Almost every hair salon has a ‘head spa’ - a Japanese treatment which constitutes a cleansing product to help eliminate build up on your scalp, an extensive scalp massage to stimulate blood circulation into the capillaries, steam to help bring out dirt from any clogged follicles, a massage for your neck and shoulders, then followed by a topical scalp serum treatment massaged into soothe the scalp and follicle environment. The ‘head spa’ ritual is extremely relaxing not only releasing tension from your head and neck area, but providing lymphatic drainage pinpointing pressure points that affect your whole body. The combination of the appropriate scalp massage along with cleansing and treating the scalp leads to prevention of hair loss, promotion of healthy hair growth, shinier and luscious hair, along with a more positive and relaxed mindset overall. Done properly, a scalp massage also supports a general face lift as you lift up the muscles in your scalp tied to your face.

This scalp care ritual is also important not only during a salon visit but also at home. A topical scalp treatment like the TOHI Serum is meaningful to help continue supporting your hair growth as you properly massage it into your scalp on a daily basis. Studies show that just 4 minutes of scalp massage per day helps with hair growth. With time, any scalp irritations and conditions such as dandruff, dryness, itchiness should slowly dissipate and you will feel better by the confidence you gain in having beautiful hair and a balanced well-being. Watch our at home Scalp Massage Video Tutorial here to begin your daily scalp massages.

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