6 Tips for Summer Hair and Scalp Care

6 Tips for Summer Hair and Scalp Care

6 Tips for Summer Hair and Scalp Care

Summer is here again! And what an exciting time to let your hair down!
Just remember that this is one of the most important times of the year to focus on your hair and scalp. Your scalp is the closest area on your body exposed to the sun, UV rays, and environmental stress. It is also possibly the area you least focus on when you go to the beach or the pool.

Here are some summer hair and scalp care tips so you can enjoy your time out in the sun:

  1. Prep your scalp and hair like you do your skin –hydrate your scalp with our TOHI Scalp Serum to protect it from environmental toxins  before you go outside.  Then spray with sun protection.
  2. Release by letting your hair down and relieve it from the stress of buns and hair ties.
  3. Hydrate or spritz your scalp with water now and then.
  4. Don’t wash your hair too much. Even if that means there is a bit more natural oil than usual. Sometimes taking care of your scalp and ends of hair is enough of a daily routine not to dry your hair out.
  5. Protect your hair by wearing a hat or a scarf to prevent UV damage.
  6. Head to the salon and get a spa facial or scalp cleanse to remove the oil buildup.

Enjoy the summer season!